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Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast

Feb 27, 2020

Nicole Kupchik, MN, RN, CCNS, CCRN-K, PCCN-CMC and owner of Nicole Kupchik Consulting & Education, speaks with Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast. Nicole discusses launching a new therapy as a critical care nurse and how this helped her...

Feb 25, 2020

Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast invites Nelly Duprat, his wife and founder of Luscious Letdown, to guest host this week’s Tactical Tuesday episode. Nelly shares how she’s utilizing Facebook Groups to build her Luscious Letdown...

Feb 20, 2020

Kati Kleber, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, owner and operator of FreshRN, speaks with Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast. In this episode, they talk about how Kati’s blog became a valuable resource for new nurses and an incredible online business. Kati...

Feb 18, 2020

Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast talks about how to approach marketing for your business. This includes hiring an external agency or building an in-house team. He highlights the pros and cons of each so you can make the best decision to...

Feb 13, 2020

Damion Jenkins, RN, MSN, CEO and Author at The Nurse Speak, talks with Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast. In this episode, they discuss how Damion’s passion for nurse education led him to start his own business to help new graduate nurses ...