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Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast

Nov 2, 2021


Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner, and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast explains why high-level mastermind coaching programs offer a ton of value. He shares features of the $25k mastermind he recently signed up for with Russell Brunson. He also offers advice for people who are considering joining a coaching program, highlighting the importance of taking action.



  • A master’s or doctorate course can cost $2,000 up to $7,000, however, a lot of the information is outdated and not applicable in the real world.
  • Mastermind programs provide relevant information and resources because they’re often taught by people who are in the thick of running a business. 
  • Enroll in a mastermind led by someone who’s where you’re aspiring to be, and focus on the ROI  instead of the sticker price. 
  • Jason enrolled in Brunson’s entry-level program, Two Comma Club X because he wants to network with like-minded people. 
  • The program provides a year of coaching and training and includes an online course, two different types of coaches, a focused path (E-commerce or expert), two in-person events, and a weekly live lesson with an instructor. 
  • Participants are assigned a ‘momentum coach’ to help adjust their mindset and a ‘progress coach’ who reiterates lesson content and answers questions. 
  • Making plans and reading books is a good way to get started, but you need to commit and keep pushing to get results.
  • If what you’re doing every day doesn’t excite you, get out of that situation or environment. Get pumped for the future and dive in!



  1. High-level coaching programs are almost always led by someone who’s successfully running a business. They come with extra support, and you can connect with other like-minded individuals.
  2. These high-level programs give you the tools you need to overcome obstacles and get in the right mindset to take your business to the next level. 
  3. Don’t look at mastermind programs as an expense but as an investment. Keep taking action to move yourself and your business forward.



“As you invest more, you get more.” - Jason Duprat


“All sorts of cool things could happen if you show up and do the work.” - Jason Duprat



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