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Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast

Aug 24, 2023


Communication is

  • 7% Words
  • 38% Tone of Voice
  • 55% Body Language

Jason A. Duprat, MBA, CRNA, Healthcare Practitioner, and Host of the Healthcare Boss Academy podcast, sits down with Shelly O'Donovan, CEO of Authentic Influence Group, with certifications in Body Language Training and the Big 5 Personalities. In this episode, Shelly reveals commonly overlooked communication practices and advice on getting better at conveying our true selves. Tune in to learn secrets used by politicians and other communication experts.



  • Shelly went from politics to starting her own business in healthcare, helping companies influence the political arena. She got laid off and became burnt out applying for and working in several jobs before learning about Body Language and being certified.

  • Introverts tend to close themselves through body language. Open your body language, keep your arms open, and make eye contact.
  • To remember someone's name, associate it with anything similar or write down bits of information about the person on a piece of paper when they leave the room.

  • For social media, just be yourself and let the world see you, not being worried about perfecting what you post.

  • In practicing your communication skills, start with small steps and with people you're comfortable with.

  • Shelly recommends checking these people out:

    • Vanessa Van Edwards - Behavioral Investigator at Science of People

    • Joe Navarro - Former FBI Agent and Body Language Expert

    • Dale Carnegie - Best-Selling “Author of How to Win Friends and Influence People” among other books



“Authentic Influence means not trying to be somebody you're not. Just be yourself and let the world see you.” – Shelly O’Donovan

“Open your body language more. Open your arms, make eye contact, and be curious about other people. Better communication leads to better outcomes.” – Shelly O’Donovan



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