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Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast

Oct 28, 2021


Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner, and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast talks with Blair Thielemier, PharmD, and founder of Pharmapreneur Academy and the Elevate Pharmacy Virtual Summit. Blair talks about the ups and downs of her transition from employee to entrepreneur,...

Oct 19, 2021


Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner, and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast talks about the importance of staying organized and shares what he’s learned after years of running a business. He also discusses a great software tool that will help you manage your projects,...

Oct 14, 2021


Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner, and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast talks with Ankit Gupta, founder, and CEO of Bicycle Health. Ankit looks back on his experiences with Pulse News and LinkedIn, sharing advice for people thinking about starting their own business. He...

Oct 5, 2021


Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner, and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast talks about the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded people. He shares highlights from the conferences and seminars he recently attended noting a key benefit is socializing,...